Our Compliance

Ensuring Compliance: Couture Cottage’s Commitment to Ethical Practices

At Couture Cottage, we believe that the fashion industry can be a force for good when guided by ethical principles and compliance with international standards. Our buying house, based in the heart of Nikunja-2, Dhaka, Bangladesh, is committed to upholding the highest levels of compliance in every aspect of our operations. We understand that compliance is not only a legal obligation but also an ethical responsibility that we owe to our clients, partners, and the environment.

Compliance with Labor Standards

One of the primary concerns in the fashion industry is the treatment of laborers. At Couture Cottage, we are dedicated to ensuring the well-being of the individuals who contribute to our industry. We work exclusively with factories and manufacturers that adhere to labor laws and international labor standards. This commitment includes:

  1. Fair Wages: We only collaborate with factories that pay their workers fair and competitive wages, ensuring they can support their families and lead decent lives.

  2. Safe Working Conditions: We prioritize factories that maintain safe working environments, free from hazards and risks to health.

  3. Respect for Workers’ Rights: We actively monitor and promote the respect of workers’ rights, including freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.

  4. Child Labor and Forced Labor: We have a zero-tolerance policy towards child labor and forced labor. All our partners must comply with these standards.

Environmental Responsibility

Environmental sustainability is another cornerstone of our compliance efforts. We understand the ecological impact of the fashion industry and are committed to mitigating it. Our approach includes:

  1. Sustainable Materials: We encourage the use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials, reducing the fashion industry’s carbon footprint.

  2. Waste Reduction: We promote waste reduction in manufacturing and packaging processes to minimize the impact on the environment.

  3. Ethical Supply Chain: Our supply chain is carefully vetted to ensure that environmental standards are met at every stage, from sourcing raw materials to transportation.

Legal Compliance

We are fully committed to complying with all applicable local and international laws and regulations governing the fashion industry, including trade regulations, customs laws, and intellectual property rights. We respect copyright and trademark laws and work diligently to protect the intellectual property of our clients.

Transparency and Accountability

Transparency is key to maintaining compliance. We keep our clients informed about every step of the sourcing and production process. We maintain comprehensive records of our operations and are readily available to provide any necessary documentation to our clients and regulatory authorities.

Continuous Improvement

At Couture Cottage, we believe that compliance is an ongoing journey, not a destination. We continually assess our operations, seeking opportunities for improvement in all areas of compliance, sustainability, and ethical practices. We actively collaborate with industry organizations, NGOs, and government agencies to stay up-to-date with the latest regulations and best practices.

Contact Us

Couture Cottage is committed to being a trusted partner in the fashion industry, known for our unwavering dedication to compliance, sustainability, and ethical practices. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our compliance efforts or would like more information, please visit our website at https://c-cottage.com or contact us at rajon@c-cottage.com.

At Couture Cottage, compliance is not just a requirement; it’s a fundamental part of who we are and how we do business. Join us in promoting ethical practices and responsible fashion in the global marketplace.


🠺Accelerating the business by creating a successful compliance program.

🠺Minimizing business risk through safe, secure and environmental friendly workplaces where the goods are produced.

🠺Increasing business reputation  by fulfilling the customers requirement.

🠺 Achieving the trustworthiness of all business partners by commitment and transparency.



🠺 Compliance team & responsibilities

🠺 Yearly & monthly audit schedule

🠺 Developing a unique audit protocol & checklist

🠺 Web base monitoring & verification

🠺 Training schedule for capacity building of factories

🠺Setting a target

2. DO

🠺 Assessment & creating report

🠺 Development visit & CAP follow-up

🠺 Training on COC, Local law & certification

🠺 Website follow-up and desktop verification

🠺 SWOT analysis and special care of vulnerable factories and issues

🠺 Developing self assessment and management monitoring system

3. ACT

🠺 Development visit & proper guidance

🠺 Preparing the TNA & measuring progress

🠺 Knowledge, document and experience sharing

🠺 Making sure of the fulfillment of requirement


🠺 Follow-up audit

🠺 Desktop verification

🠺 Surprise visits

🠺 Route-cause analysis

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